Questions and Answers Encuadernarium
What is a bookbinding and an author's binding?
The binding protects and safeguards the set of pages by means of different materials and construction techniques. The Author’s Binding is handcrafted and gives the bound copy an entity of its own, built in a singular way, with high quality materials and a unique and exclusive design. The result is a unique work, for special customers like you.
What steps are involved in Author's Binding?
The aim of restoration is to recover, repair or renovate a work in order to restore its value. The restoration of documents and antiquarian books requires highly specialised techniques, depending on the nature of the work to be carried out and the condition of the work to be restored.
What is the restoration of old documents and books?
The aim of restoration is to recover, repair or renovate a work in order to restore its value. The restoration of documents and antiquarian books requires highly specialised techniques, depending on the nature of the work to be carried out and the condition of the work to be restored.
What are the steps involved in the restoration of old documents and books?
The simplified steps to carry out a restoration of documentary and antiquarian books are 1) study of the state of the work (how it is), 2) definition of the intervention (what is the objective), 3) needs analysis (what is required), 4) budgeting and 5) carrying out the work.
What deterioration and damage can occur to books and documents?
Documents and books are affected not only by their use, but also by the environmental conditions in which they are kept throughout their life. Some damage may be visible such as breakage or material degradation, others may be less visible such as humidity or fungus. Encuadernarium has the necessary experience and equipment to be able to assess, mitigate, reverse, or recover your documents and books, depending on the state of the work and the type of intervention.
What is involved in the Definition of Work and Budget?
The first step is the study and definition of the work to be carried out, according to its nature: author’s binding or documentary restoration. Once the work to be carried out has been defined, Encuadernarium sends you an estimate for your acceptance. The estimate is sent by e-mail to the contact address indicated. The study and definition of the work and the estimate are free of charge for the client.
How to evaluate the outcome of the work
Author’s bookbinding and restoration are handcrafted works and require a precise evaluation in order to carry out the work properly. At Encuadernarium we believe that the client should be part of the team, from the definition of the work to the progress made, thus obtaining the best result.
How to evaluate heritage libraries, inheritances, and documentary collections
Old documents and books of special interest are part of your heritage and, therefore, a specialized evaluation of them is advisable. The value of the work varies according to many factors such as its emotional value, its rarity, uniqueness, scarcity, demand, etc. and its state of conservation. A frequent and programmed evaluation allows to maintain and even increase the patrimonial valuation. Encuadernarium offers its services for the evaluation of your documents and books. Contact us to evaluate your library, inheritance, or documentary collection.
How to leave a special mark of our corporation
Companies, foundations, and other entities build loyalty with their clients or guests, according to need, interest, or strategy. Encuadernarium carries out carefully personalized work for those guests to whom you want to leave a special and lasting impression. Corporate gifts are ad hoc works, designed to make a positive impact.
How to maintain religious documentary collections
Encuadernarium collaborates with different religious entities for the assessment and maintenance of their documentary collection. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be pleased to answer your questions.
How to organize book-related cultural days and events
Encuadernarium has experience in organizing conferences, workshops, exhibitions, and cultural events where different types of bookbinding, striking author bindings, documentary, and antique book restorations, among other topics, have been shown. Encuadernarium offers its services of consultancy and organization of events related to books.
How and where to send the finished works
Encuadernarium carries out both national and international work. In addition to the actual work to be carried out, be it Author’s Binding or restoration, the protection of the work and its shipment are very important aspects. Encuadernarium takes care of protecting and shipping the work safely to the agreed destination.
What is the method of payment?
The method of payment for the order and work carried out is by bank transfer. The payment details and terms of payment are included in the quotation sent before the work is carried out.